Feebleminded - Pride

Scripture Reading - Daniel 5:18-20 KJV

18 O thou king, the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and honour:
19 And for the majesty that he gave him, all people, nations, and languages, trembled and feared before him: whom he would he slew; and whom he would he kept alive; and whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down.
20 But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him:

When we (ihlcc) started studying “Feeblemindedness” we found out that this specific topic was more far reaching than we originally planned for. Since “feeblemindedness” has so many aspects it is hard to summarize our findings in one lesson but we will write several articles with different emphasis in each write-up. In our own life we have dealt with this topic in at least seven different people we know of. The key is understanding that “feeblemindedness” can spread as far as not being able to face clear open heartfelt communication all the way up to not being able to communicate with people at all. In today’s example we highlight when the King Nebuchadnezzar lost his mind. One thing you must know about “feeblemindedness” is that it doesn’t have to be a permanent condition because if someone you know loses their mind it can also be regained (found) with the proper enlightenment from God. Yes, this wise king that had the intelligence to govern a world empire was one day removed from his throne by force because the sins of his heart. This hardening of the mind can come through pride which is a sin against God. Once someone becomes lifted up (elevated) in their own mind the door is wide open to the devil, which means that person is probably living in deception. Remember, Satan, himself was hardened in pride when it came to his desire to be elevated as God. Pride pushes us up into God’s place while humility lowers our position to where we really are in Christ. The thoughts of a person achieving greatness without the Lord’s help is pride and that deception will cause an abundance of thoughts coming to your mind all about you. If this happens the mind will be “feeble” due to a lack of light (godliness). Just like light produces healing and life, darkness produces sickness and death. Yes, a “feeble mind” is a weak mind that operates with a lack of reality (in darkness). In today’s text we notice that the King Nebuchadnezzar lost his kingdom through the side effects of pride. Pride will consume the mind with ungodly thoughts, such as selfish thinking that places you above others and places many other people around you below the picture you have of yourself. This mindset produces “feebleness” primarily because you can do nothing without God and it is sure that God knows all while you know very little in comparison. All thinking is ordained to come from God’s Kingdom unto man. Yes, there are no new thoughts from man under the sun. Generally, God speaks a spiritual word from the Kingdom of Heaven and then we can hear His spiritual voice through thoughts coming to our mind or spirit. The sad part of this lesson (reality) is that the deceiver, Satan, and his company, can also communicate with our mind and heart through thoughts. If our heart gets too full of darkness the feeble mind will be one side effect because the heart will influence the mind just like the mind is one doorway into the heart. To have a strong mind you must have a strong heart and vice-versa a strong mind will compliment a strong heart. When people lose their mind what is actually happening is they have given up the right to control their mind (and their thoughts) as God ordained. Yes, we have a major part to play when it comes to controlling our mind because if we don’t cast down all erroneous imaginations, evil and wicked thoughts (words, attitudes, emotions) those same negative influences will abide with us in hopes of gaining more and more control of our lives. You see our faith friend the kingdom of darkness likes to have freedom of expression also. The difference is evil spirits are more controlling so they will take over by force if given that opportunity. Generally the people we know that have lost their ability to reason have done so after much time, little by little they started thinking a new (different) way, it is like they gradually started losing touch with reality day by day. In the case of King Nebuchadnezzar he lost his mind in what seemed like a moment but the signs of sin were working for years in his life before the actual “feebleminded” state appeared (manifested). Remember in Daniel chapter 4 the king was warned by Daniel to repent to lengthen his soundness of mind one year before it happened but the pride of the king’s heart would not allow him to humble himself before God and the people of his kingdom. Yes, pride will cause you to harden your mind to the point of resisting the wisdom of God coming unto you from the Lord’s Holy Spirit and other people around you. The rejection of sound counsel leaves you no other place to go but down and this downward mental state of helplessness will render you “feebleminded”. Therefore we encourage all people to cast out pride by showing true humility before God and your fellow brethren by openly listening to what God’s Word states and judging yourself on all things in your life that are contrary to His Word. We (ihlcc) know of many cases that God’s Power could have rectified the situation to bring the mind under control (God and their control instead of something else) but the existing pride of their heart would not allow it. Some foolish people think you can just cast out all evil thinking with the touch of the hand and prayer but that is not true. No God’s beloved, the person who renews their mind consistently being filled with God’s Holy Spirit will have the power to free themselves from the mental strongholds of the enemy. Remember in the final analysis it is the truth you know that sets (makes) you free not the knowledge and/or understanding of the pastor or preacher. God’s will is for all people to have a strong mind but a weak (feeble) mind can develop from pride, so remove all pride to keep your spirit, soul (mind) and body strong in Lord and in the Power of His Might. Amen!